Hello people,
So much has happened since I last spoke to you. I have had the blessing of my Mom and my dear sister Judy coming to visit my family.
Top left- Judy, Middle bottom- Mom, Top right Leslie |
The day after they arrived we went and had our photos take. Then my hubby and my mom began to do what they love the best. Working on a project in our yard.
New pond for the yard. | | |
They are going to surround it with slate and also make an extension to our existing patio. It is going to be so beautiful. I just love having people visit and help us with projects. Every time I enjoy my yard I look around and see bits and pieces of work that my mom or in-laws have helped us with. Great memories, and good times.
We also went to my sons company picnic. That was a blast. I line danced and we all played putt putt golf. My mom had never played, and she kicked out butts.
See me sporting my scarf out on the dance floor? Line dancing is so much fun. |
Mom kept making hole in ones. She is an awesome golfer. |
Judy rocking the golf course |
My score was so bad, you don't even want to know. |
We topped the day off by getting rid of the few wisps of hair I had left. Now I am shiny bald like the Mr. Clean guy. I guess I will be using a lot less shampoo and hair spray!!
My handsome hubby and I now look alike. |
We match! |
But the really cool thing is that Today I got my wig fitting done! It is shorter than my hair had been, but it looks pretty good.
The stylist fitting my wig while my sister keeps a sharp eye out that she does it right. |
The finished look. |
Well my people, thank you so much for stopping by. Have a terrific day! Please remember to subscribe if you haven't. Or hit the follow button the right side of the page! Thanks.