Last I spoke with you I had done a hasty video on liquif eye shadow collection from too faced cosmetics. I have to tell you I am really loving the shadow. The shades are rich in color. The colors are beautiful! Fun to play with! They can create endless combination's. FUN! Finger paints for faces. Yea! The eye liner that came with it is a clear create your own color of liner out of the shadow kit. Great idea. Right? This dries quickly, needs multiple dips and just doesn't make a bright and lasting color. The color dries sort of "off color". Instead I have been using the bare minerals weather everything liner sealer. It seems to work much better. This product is a solid awesome out of a possible amazing.
I will be back to doing tutorials in a day or two. Life has been living me this week. My apologies. Here in DFW Texas we are having Lovely Autumn rain storms. Our arrid state needs this mousture, so I will not complain. Everything is looking more like it is gearing up for the holidays as we have Halloween candy competing with the Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations in the stores. I guess that makes this time of the year Hallowgivingmass. Right?
I had promised some swatches of the liquif eye shadow. Here you go.

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